Friday, October 31, 2008

He's baaaack!

Remember this guy? This wacko from the 2004 primaries?
Well, he's back and he's saying scary things - again.

Dean: One-Party Rule Would Rule
By Tim Taylor
Roll Call Staff

"Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Monday that he’s looking forward to one party controlling all aspects of government, despite GOP charges that it would be a disastrous Nov. 4 outcome.

“Republicans had a chance to rule. They failed miserably. I think it’s time to give the other party a chance,” Dean said on MSNBC."

In America, political leaders do not RULE: they represent the people. They are elected to lead and they represent us, the people. This statement alone shows just how much this man does not understand about how America works. The people, NOT the party, "rule" the government and I don't care if you represent the Democrats or the Republicans.

A one party government is not how we run America. This kind of thinking is dangerous. What a low life.


"Second Civil War" if Obama loses

Erica Jong, a writer, is predicting a second civil war if Obama loses the election.
Here are some of the better, more crazy quotes from her interview:

"After having stolen the last two elections, the Republican Mafia…"

"If Obama loses it will spark the second American Civil War. Blood will run in the streets, believe me. And it's not a coincidence that President Bush recalled soldiers from Iraq for Dick Cheney to lead against American citizens in the streets."

"Bush has transformed America into a police state, from torture to the imprisonment of reporters, to the Patriot Act."

Why do people think that threatening to riot if their candidate wins will prove a point?
"Let us win! Let us win, or we'll throw a huge tantrum!"

Don't be intimidated by these bully scare tactics. This is still America and threats of violence certainly won't keep me from the polls.

Jong's article

Pretty Awesome Guy pointing out how the media is a servant of Obama

This "builder" Tito, makes wonderful points of how the media has been serving Obama's campaign. It's pretty awesome to see just a normal guy pointing out these things that so many people do not see.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Please sign the petition to the LA Times

For centuries, the media has been the watchdog of free societies. It is NOT the job of the media to make excuses for a candidate, nor to cover up their past words and actions. A watchdog's job is to seek out the truth consistently and to protect our most precious possessions. I can think of no possession more precious than our liberty. The American mainstream media has become a disgrace. That watchdog has been put to sleep and replaced with a lapdog.

I encourage you all to sign the petition for the LA Times t
o release the Obama\Rashid Khalidi Video that they currently possess. If there is nothing controversial in the video, there should be nothing to fear by releasing it. What is there to hide? There is NO reason that a respected news organization should with hold this video during such a crucial time in our nation's history. Of course, with the recent LA Times endorsement of Barack Obama, one doesn't have to work hard to connect the dots. The LA Times, just like every other major news network (sans Fox News) and every other major newspaper, is in the tank for Obama.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama's Communist Second Bill of Rights

This is interesting to note, going off of Nick's claims of Obama's communism. Here, this post tells us about how in Toledo, Obama tells the people he is going to make "Second Bill of Rights" to ensures things such jobs for all, healthcare, etc. Sounds pretty communist to me, a government that guarentess a job to everyone through strict regulation; more USSR led Lenin than Franklin's New Deal it seems. With a Pelosi lead House and a largely Deomocratic Senate, if Obama is elected, this Bill doesn't seem too farfetched in being passed.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Redistribution of Wealth

Here is an actual audio recording of a radio interview with B. Hussein Obama back in 2001. Obama doesn't talk about whether or not a redistribution of wealth is right or wrong, but only how it can be accomplished...

Straight from the man himself...

How is this not Communism?

LA Times has tape of Obama and Khalidi

This article here talks about how the LA times has a tape of Obama toasting Rashid Khalidi, a prominent anti-Jewish figure, and supporting this group of anti-Israel Palestinians. The LA Times wrote a story on it, though a very gentle one that talked about his reaching out to all groups. . Yet isn't it interesting that if it was such a groundbreaking thing that they refuse to release the video? I mean, other bloggers have made a point of this, but the LA Times would obviously release the video if say John McCain or Sarah Palin were doing the same thing. It really just shows the obvious bias and lack of integrity of the LA Times. Gatewaypundit talks about it a lot more in depth and a lot more eloquently.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


'Nuff said...

Presidential Character

Given the momentous election taking place a little more than a week away, here's something for you folks to consider before making your decision at the polls come November 4th...

I found this enlightening article on The Patriot Post (One of my all-time favorite websites)